HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1787th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1838 |
shelf; frame, crosspiece
档 dàng |
档 dǎng |

高档 gāo dàng | superior quality; high grade; top grade |
搭档 dā dàng | to cooperate; partner |
档案 dàng àn | file; record; archive |
档次 dàng cì | grade; class; quality; level |
文档 wén dàng | (computer) file |
档子 dàng zi | classifier for affairs, events etc |
归档 guī dàng | to file away; to place on file |
存档 cún dàng | to file; to save a file (computer); saved data (for a video game etc) |
档案馆 dàng àn guǎn | archive library |
低档 dī dàng | low-grade; of low worth or rank; poor quality; inferior |
垫档 diàn dàng | to fill a blank space; to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc) |
大排档 dà pái dàng | food stall; open-air restaurant |
大牌档 dà pái dàng | food stall; open-air restaurant (originally Hong Kong usage, now usually written as 大排檔|大排档[da4 pai2 dang4] |
强档 qiáng dàng | prime time |
影像档 yǐng xiàng dàng | image file |
打档 dǎ dǎng | (Tw) to change gears |
打档车 dǎ dǎng chē | (Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter) |
拍档 pāi dàng | partner |
排档 pái dàng | stall (of market etc) |
摊档 tān dàng | (dialect) vendor's stall |
敌档 dí dàng | rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters) |
文字档 wén zì dàng | text file |
文档对象模型 wén dàng duì xiàng mó xíng | Document Object Model (DOM) |
断档 duàn dàng | sold out; to be out of stock |
书档 shū dàng | bookend |