HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1909th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.8) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1962 |
all, together; accompany
俱 jù |

俱乐部 jù lè bù | club (the organisation or its premises) (loanword); CL:個|个[ge4] |
与日俱增 yǔ rì jù zēng | to increase steadily; to grow with each passing day |
面面俱到 miàn miàn jù dào | (idiom) take care of everything; handle everything |
俱全 jù quán | every kind; every variety under the sun; a complete gamut |
两败俱伤 liǎng bài jù shāng | both sides suffer (idiom); neither side wins |
万籁俱寂 wàn lài jù jì | not a sound to be heard (idiom) |
一应俱全 yī yīng jù quán | with everything needed available |
万念俱灰 wàn niàn jù huī | every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened |
声泪俱下 shēng lèi jù xià | to shed tears while recounting sth; speaking in a tearful voice |
一應俱全 yī yīng jù quán | with everything needed available |
五味俱全 wǔ wèi jù quán | a complete gamut of all five flavors (idiom); every flavor under the sun |
人琴俱亡 rén qín jù wàng | person and lute have both vanished (idiom); death of a close friend |
人赃俱获 rén zāng jù huò | (of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods; to be caught red-handed |
人贓俱獲 rén zāng jù huò | (of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods; to be caught red-handed |
俱佳 jù jiā | excellent; wonderful |
俱樂部 jù lè bù | club (the organisation or its premises) (loanword); CL:個|个[ge4] |
俱舍宗 jù shè zōng | Kusha-shū (Japanese Buddhism school) |
家俱 jiā jù | variant of 家具[jia1 ju4] |
傢俱 jiā jù | variant of 家具[jia1 ju4] |
兩敗俱傷 liǎng bài jù shāng | both sides suffer (idiom); neither side wins |
国际米兰足球俱乐部 guó jì mǐ lán zú qiú jù lè bù | FC Internazionale Milano (football club) |
國際米蘭足球俱樂部 guó jì mǐ lán zú qiú jù lè bù | FC Internazionale Milano (football club) |
心胆俱裂 xīn dǎn jù liè | to be scared out of one's wits (idiom) |
心膽俱裂 xīn dǎn jù liè | to be scared out of one's wits (idiom) |
梨俱吠陀 lí jù fèi tuó | Rigveda, Indian religious poem |