seat; mat; take seat; banquet

HSK 5 #894


  • seat
  • mat
  • take seat
  • banquet
  • surname Xi
  • woven mat
  • seat
  • banquet
  • place in a democratic assembly
  • classifier for banquets, conversations etc
  • variant of 席[xi2]


席 stroke order diagram
席 stroke order animation


chū xí to attend; to participate; present
zhǔ xí chairperson; premier; chairman; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
quē xí absence; absent
shǒu xí chief (representative, correspondent etc)
位 xí wèi a seat (in a theater, stadium etc); parliamentary or congressional seat
之地 yī xí zhī dì (acknowledged) place; a role to play; niche
证人 zhèng rén xí witness stand or box
卷 xí juǎn to engulf; to sweep; to carry away everything
yàn xí banquet; feast
会议 lián xí huì yì joint conference
rù xí to take one's seat
jí xí impromptu; improvised; to take one's seat (at a banquet etc)
jiǔ xí feast; banquet
yán xí banquet; mat for sitting
退 tuì xí to absent oneself from a meeting; to decline to attend
liè xí to attend a meeting as a nonvoting delegate
座无虚 zuò wú xū xí lit. a banquet with no empty seats; full house; capacity crowd; standing room only
话 yī xí huà the content of a conversation; words; remarks
zuò xí seat (at a banquet); to attend a banquet
勒 xí lè Schiller (name); Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller or Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), German poet and dramatist
团 zhǔ xí tuán presidium
子 xí zi woven mat
zhěn xí pillow mat; pillow and mat; bed
梦思 xí mèng sī spring mattress (loanword from "Simmons" bedding company name)
yìng xí hard seat (on trains)
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