HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1176th character |
RADICAL | ⾔ (149.2) |
INDEX # | 169 |
draw up agreement; arrange
- draw up agreement
- arrange
- to agree
- to conclude
- to draw up
- to subscribe to (a newspaper etc)
- to order

预订 yù dìng | to place an order; to book ahead |
订婚 dìng hūn | to get engaged |
订单 dìng dān | (purchase) order |
订购 dìng gòu | to place an order; to subscribe |
签订 qiān dìng | to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) |
订书机 dìng shū jī | stapler; stapling machine; bookbinding machine; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
制订 zhì dìng | to work out; to formulate |
订阅 dìng yuè | subscription; to subscribe to |
装订 zhuāng dìng | bookbinding; to bind (books etc) |
修订 xiū dìng | to revise |
订货 dìng huò | to order goods; to place an order |
订金 dìng jīn | an initial payment; earnest money; deposit |
订制 dìng zhì | custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made; also written 定製|定制 |
订立 dìng lì | to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc); to set up (a rule etc) |
续订 xù dìng | to renew |
订户 dìng hù | subscriber (to a newspaper or periodical) |
订书针 dìng shū zhēn | staple |
拟订 nǐ dìng | to draw up (a plan) |
校订 jiào dìng | revision |
订正 dìng zhèng | to make a correction |
修订版 xiū dìng bǎn | revised edition; revised version |
增订本 zēng dìng běn | revised and enlarged edition |
审订 shěn dìng | to revise; to examine and revise |
下订单 xià dìng dān | to place an order (commerce) |
中俄改订条约 zhōng é gǎi dìng tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights |