RADICAL | ⾔ (149.2) |
訂 dìng
draw up agreement; arrange
- draw up agreement
- arrange
- to agree
- to conclude
- to draw up
- to subscribe to (a newspaper etc)
- to order

下訂單 xià dìng dān | to place an order (commerce) |
中俄改訂條約 zhōng é gǎi dìng tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881, whereby Russia handed back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights |
修訂 xiū dìng | to revise |
修訂本 xiū dìng běn | revised edition (of a book) |
修訂歷史 xiū dìng lì shǐ | revision history (of a document, web page etc) |
修訂版 xiū dìng bǎn | revised edition; revised version |
制訂 zhì dìng | to work out; to formulate |
合訂本 hé dìng běn | bound volume; one-volume edition |
增訂 zēng dìng | to revise and enlarge (a book); to augment a purchase order |
增訂本 zēng dìng běn | revised and enlarged edition |
審訂 shěn dìng | to revise; to examine and revise |
擬訂 nǐ dìng | to draw up (a plan) |
改訂 gǎi dìng | to revise (text, plan etc) |
改訂伊犁條約 gǎi dìng yī lí tiáo yuē | Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights |
明訂 míng dìng | to stipulate; to state expressly; to explicitly provide for |
校訂 jiào dìng | revision |
簽訂 qiān dìng | to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) |
續訂 xù dìng | to renew |
考訂 kǎo dìng | to check and correct |
聚合資訊訂閱 jù hé zī xùn dìng yuè | RSS (news feeds) |
裝訂 zhuāng dìng | bookbinding; to bind (books etc) |
訂位 dìng wèi | to reserve a seat; to book a table; reservation |
訂做 dìng zuò | to make to order; to have sth made to order |
訂出 dìng chū | to lay down (a rule, a plan of action); to draw up; booked out (i.e. already fully booked) |
訂單 dìng dān | (purchase) order |