HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1738th character |
RADICAL | ⼆ (7.1) |
INDEX # | 25 |
lose, fail; damage; deficient
亏 kuī |

多亏 duō kuī | thanks to; luckily |
幸亏 xìng kuī | fortunately; luckily |
吃亏 chī kuī | to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately |
亏待 kuī dài | to treat sb unfairly |
亏损 kuī sǔn | deficit; (financial) loss |
亏欠 kuī qiàn | to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency |
功亏一篑 gōng kuī yī kuì | lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful; to fail through lack of a final effort; to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar (idiom) |
亏本 kuī běn | to make a loss |
亏空 kuī kōng | in debt; in the red; in deficit |
亏心事 kuī xīn shì | shameful deed |
盈亏 yíng kuī | profit and loss; waxing and waning |
亏得 kuī de | fortunately; luckily; (sarcastic) fancy that, how fortunate! |
理亏 lǐ kuī | in the wrong |
吃哑巴亏 chī yǎ ba kuī | to be forced to suffer in silence; unable to speak of one's bitter suffering |
自负盈亏 zì fù yíng kuī | responsible for its profit and losses (of organization); financially autonomous; personal financial responsibility |
不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门 bù zuò kuī xīn shì , bù pà guǐ qiāo mén | He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience. |
不听老人言,吃亏在眼前 bù tīng lǎo rén yán , chī kuī zài yǎn qián | (idiom) ignore your elders at your peril |
吃大亏 chī dà kuī | to cost one dearly; to end disastrously; to pay bitterly |
吃亏上当 chī kuī shàng dàng | to be taken advantage of |
哑巴亏 yǎ ba kuī | pent-up unspoken grievances; suffering not willingly or possibly spoken of |
好汉不吃眼前亏 hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī | a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom) |
平生不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊 píng shēng bù zuò kuī xīn shì , bàn yè qiāo mén xīn bù jīng | He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night.; Rest with a clear conscience. |
得亏 děi kuī | luckily; fortunately |
扭亏 niǔ kuī | to make good a deficit; to reverse a loss |
暗亏 àn kuī | hidden loss (finance) |