HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 896th character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1949 |
secret, mysterious, abstruse
秘 mì |
秘 bì |

秘密 mì mì | secret; CL:個|个[ge4] |
神秘 shén mì | mysterious; mystery |
秘书 mì shū | secretary |
奥秘 ào mì | secret; mystery |
秘方 mì fāng | secret recipe |
秘鲁 bì lǔ | Peru |
秘诀 mì jué | secret know-how; key (to longevity); secret (of happiness); recipe (for success) |
隐秘 yǐn mì | secret; hidden |
便秘 biàn mì | constipation; Taiwan pr. [bian4 bi4] |
秘书长 mì shū zhǎng | secretary-general |
秘籍 mì jí | rare book; cheat code (video games) |
揭秘 jiē mì | to unmask; to uncover the secret |
诡秘 guǐ mì | secretive; furtive; surreptitious |
秘而不宣 mì ér bù xuān | to withhold information; to keep sth secret |
文秘 wén mì | secretary |
秘传 mì chuán | to hand down secret knowledge from generation to generation within a school or family etc |
一秘 yī mì | first secretary |
副秘书长 fù mì shū zhǎng | vice-secretary |
副秘書長 fù mì shū zhǎng | vice-secretary |
大便秘结 dà biàn mì jié | constipation |
宝葫芦的秘密 bǎo hú lu de mì mì | Secret of the Magic Gourd (1958), prize-winning children's fairy tale by Zhang Tianyi 張天翼|张天翼[Zhang1 Tian1 yi4] |
寶葫蘆的秘密 bǎo hú lu de mì mì | Secret of the Magic Gourd (1958), prize-winning children's fairy tale by Zhang Tianyi 張天翼|张天翼[Zhang1 Tian1 yi4] |
小秘 xiǎo mì | (ironically) "secretary" (i.e. boss's mistress) |
怪秘 guài mì | strange; mystic |
探秘 tàn mì | to explore a mystery; to probe the unknown |