HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2235th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1797 |
contribute; give up, renounce
捐 juān |

捐赠 juān zèng | to contribute (as a gift); to donate; benefaction |
捐献 juān xiàn | to donate; to contribute; donation; contribution |
捐款 juān kuǎn | to donate money; to contribute funds; donation; contribution (of money) |
募捐 mù juān | to solicit contributions; to collect donations |
捐助 juān zhù | to donate; to offer (aid); contribution; donation |
捐资 juān zī | to contribute funds |
捐躯 juān qū | to sacrifice one's life |
捐税 juān shuì | taxes and levies |
捐弃 juān qì | to relinquish; to abandon |
苛捐杂税 kē juān zá shuì | exorbitant taxation (idiom) |
器官捐献者 qì guān juān xiàn zhě | organ donor |
器官捐獻者 qì guān juān xiàn zhě | organ donor |
慷慨捐生 kāng kǎi juān shēng | sacrificing one's life generously (idiom); to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause |
抗捐 kàng juān | to refuse to pay taxes; to boycott a levy |
捐募 juān mù | to solicit contributions; to collect donations |
捐命 juān mìng | to lay down one's life |
捐棄 juān qì | to relinquish; to abandon |
捐款者 juān kuǎn zhě | donor; benefactor; contributor (to charity) |
捐物 juān wù | to donate goods (to a relief effort); to contribute material |
捐獻 juān xiàn | to donate; to contribute; donation; contribution |
捐班 juān bān | to contribute |
捐生 juān shēng | to sacrifice one's life |
捐益表 juān yì biǎo | tax benefits table |
捐稅 juān shuì | taxes and levies |
捐给 juān gěi | to donate |