relaxed, comfortable, at ease

HSK 5 #1956


豫 yù
  • abbr. for Henan province 河南 in central China
  • happy
  • carefree
  • at one's ease
  • variant of 預|预[yu4]
  • old variant of 與|与[yu4]



yóu yù to hesitate
毫不犹 háo bù yóu yù without the slightest hesitation
不决 yóu yù bù jué hesitancy; indecision; to waver
yóu yù variant of 猶豫|犹豫[you2 yu4]
宿 sù yù Suyu district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿迁市[Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu
宿区 sù yù qū Suyu district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿迁市[Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu
宿區 sù yù qū Suyu district of Suqian city 宿遷市|宿迁市[Su4 qian1 shi4], Jiangsu
lǐ yù Li Yu, personal name of ninth Tang emperor Taizong 代宗[Tai4 zong1] (727-779), reigned 762-779
毫不猶 háo bù yóu yù without the slightest hesitation
yóu yù to hesitate
不決 yóu yù bù jué hesitancy; indecision; to waver
剧 yù jù Henan opera
劇 yù jù Henan opera
告 yù gào variant of 預告|预告[yu4 gao4]; to forecast; to predict; advance notice
yì yù idleness and pleasure
zhāng yù a personal name; in this context, it refers to the managing director of Automotive Foresight
dǒng yù a person's name (Dong Yu)
犹犹 yóu yóu yù yù hesitant; indecisive; in a hesitant and wavering manner
起来 yóu yù qǐ lái hesitate; waver; show hesitation or reluctance
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