HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1415th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.4) |
INDEX # | 1289 |
shoulders; to shoulder; bear
肩 jiān |

肩膀 jiān bǎng | shoulder |
并肩 bìng jiān | alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast |
披肩 pī jiān | cape; shawl; (of long hair) to trail over one's shoulders |
肩负 jiān fù | to shoulder (a burden); to bear; to suffer (a disadvantage) |
擦肩而过 cā jiān ér guò | brief encounter; to brush past sb |
耸肩 sǒng jiān | to shrug one's shoulders |
肩胛骨 jiān jiǎ gǔ | scapula; shoulder blade |
肩头 jiān tóu | on one's shoulders; (dialect) shoulder |
肩章 jiān zhāng | epaulet; shoulder loop; shoulder mark |
垫肩 diàn jiān | shoulder pad |
坎肩 kǎn jiān | sleeveless jacket (usually cotton); Chinese waistcoat |
肩胛 jiān jiǎ | shoulder; scapular region; scapula |
勾肩搭背 gōu jiān dā bèi | arms around each other's shoulders (idiom) |
携手并肩 xié shǒu bìng jiān | hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder |
摩肩接踵 mó jiān jiē zhǒng | lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps; a thronging crowd |
双肩包 shuāng jiān bāo | backpack |
並肩 bìng jiān | alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast |
五十肩 wǔ shí jiān | adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) |
仔肩 zī jiān | to bear responsibility for sth |
凝肩 níng jiān | frozen shoulder (medicine) |
卸肩儿 xiè jiān r | lit. a weight off one's shoulders; fig. to resign a post; to lay down a burden; to be relieved of a job |
卸肩兒 xiè jiān r | lit. a weight off one's shoulders; fig. to resign a post; to lay down a burden; to be relieved of a job |
单肩包 dān jiān bāo | shoulder bag |
單肩包 dān jiān bāo | shoulder bag |
坎肩儿 kǎn jiān r | erhua variant of 坎肩[kan3 jian1] |