HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1293rd character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2430 |
weak, watery; insipid, tasteless
淡 dàn |

冷淡 lěng dàn | cold; indifferent |
清淡 qīng dàn | light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales) |
淡水 dàn shuǐ | Danshui or Tanshui town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan; potable water (water with low salt content); fresh water |
淡季 dàn jì | off season; slow business season; see also 旺季[wang4 ji4] |
扯淡 chě dàn | to talk nonsense |
平淡 píng dàn | flat; dull; ordinary; nothing special |
淡忘 dàn wàng | to be forgotten; to fade from memory |
暗淡 àn dàn | dark; dim (light); dull (color); drab; (fig.) gloomy; bleak |
黯淡 àn dàn | variant of 暗淡[an4 dan4] |
平淡无奇 píng dàn wú qí | ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about |
轻描淡写 qīng miáo dàn xiě | to sketch in light shades; to play down; to deemphasize (idiom) |
淡出 dàn chū | to fade out (cinema); to withdraw from (politics, acting etc); to fade from (memory) |
淡淡 dàn dàn | faint; dim; dull; insipid; unenthusiastic; indifferent |
惨淡 cǎn dàn | dark; gloomy; dismal; by painstaking effort |
冲淡 chōng dàn | to dilute |
淡化 dàn huà | to water down; to play down; to trivialize; to weaken; to become dull with time; to desalinate; desalination |
淡漠 dàn mò | apathetic; indifferent; unsympathetic |
淡然 dàn rán | tranquil and calm; indifferent |
淡薄 dàn bó | thin; light; flagging; faint |
淡黄 dàn huáng | light yellow |
淡水湖 dàn shuǐ hú | freshwater lake |
淡水鱼 dàn shuǐ yú | freshwater fish |
惨淡经营 cǎn dàn jīng yíng | to manage by painstaking effort (idiom) |
淡妆 dàn zhuāng | light makeup |
浓淡 nóng dàn | shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark) |