leather, animal hides; rad. 177

HSK 5 #521


革 gé
  • animal hide
  • leather
  • to reform
  • to remove
  • to expel (from office)


革 stroke order diagram
革 stroke order animation


gǎi gé reform; CL:次[ci4],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]; to reform
命 gé mìng revolution; revolutionary (politics); CL:次[ci4]
pí gé leather; CL:張|张[zhang1]
biàn gé to transform; to change
新 gé xīn to innovate; innovation
大马士 dà mǎ shì gé Damascus, capital of Syria
命性 gé mìng xìng revolutionary
西装履 xī zhuāng gé lǚ dressed in Western-style clothes; impeccably attired
职 gé zhí to sack; to remove from a position; to depose
者 gǎi gé zhě reformer
派 gǎi gé pài the reformist party
热 dēng gé rè dengue fever; Singapore hemorrhagic fever
命家 gé mìng jiā a revolutionary
除 gé chú to eliminate; to expel; to abolish
文化大命 wén huà dà gé mìng Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
土地改 tǔ dì gǎi gé land reform
命 fǎn gé mìng counterrevolutionary
家 gǎi gé jiā reformer
民主命 mín zhǔ gé mìng democratic revolution; bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
裹尸 mǎ gé guǒ shī to be buried in a horse hide (idiom); to give one's life on the battlefield
中国国民党命委员会 zhōng guó guó mín dǎng gé mìng wěi yuán huì Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang
中國國民黨命委員會 zhōng guó guó mín dǎng gé mìng wěi yuán huì Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang
二次命 èr cì gé mìng second revolution; campaign from 1913 of the provisional revolutionary government (under Sun Yat-sen and the Guomindang) against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 and the Northern Warlords
光荣命 guāng róng gé mìng Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)
光榮命 guāng róng gé mìng Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)
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