HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 661st character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.4) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1775 |
white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally
- white (silk)
- plain
- vegetarian
- formerly
- normally
- raw silk
- white
- plain, unadorned
- vegetarian (food)
- essence
- nature
- element
- constituent
- usually
- always
- ever

因素 yīn sù | element; factor; CL:個|个[ge4] |
元素 yuán sù | element; element of a set; chemical element |
素食 sù shí | vegetables; vegetarian food |
维生素 wéi shēng sù | vitamin |
素质 sù zhì | inner quality; basic essence |
要素 yào sù | essential factor; key constituent |
朴素 pǔ sù | plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous |
毒素 dú sù | poison |
激素 jī sù | hormone |
抗生素 kàng shēng sù | antibiotic |
素材 sù cái | source material (in literature and art) |
同位素 tóng wèi sù | isotope |
素描 sù miáo | sketch |
胰岛素 yí dǎo sù | insulin |
罗素 luó sù | Russell (name); Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell (1872-1970), British logician, rationalist philosopher and pacifist |
吃素 chī sù | to be a vegetarian |
素食者 sù shí zhě | vegetarian |
青霉素 qīng méi sù | penicillin |
我行我素 wǒ xíng wǒ sù | to continue in one's own way (idiom) |
色素 sè sù | pigment |
雌激素 cí jī sù | estrogen |
微量元素 wēi liàng yuán sù | trace element (chemistry) |
素不相识 sù bù xiāng shí | to be total strangers (idiom) |
性激素 xìng jī sù | sex hormone |
麻黄素 má huáng sù | ephedrine |