HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1006th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.5) |
INDEX # | 1156 |
coerce, force, compel; urgent
迫 pò |

迫切 pò qiè | urgent; pressing |
强迫 qiǎng pò | to compel; to force |
迫不及待 pò bù jí dài | impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it |
压迫 yā pò | to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics) |
迫害 pò hài | to persecute; persecution |
紧迫 jǐn pò | pressing; urgent |
逼迫 bī pò | to force; to compel; to coerce |
被迫 bèi pò | to be compelled; to be forced |
迫使 pò shǐ | to force; to compel |
强迫症 qiǎng pò zhèng | obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) |
胁迫 xié pò | to coerce; to compel; to force |
迫击炮 pǎi jī pào | mortar (weapon) |
迫不得已 pò bù dé yǐ | to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances; forced into sth |
迫降 pò jiàng | to force a plane to land |
迫降 pò xiáng | to force sb to surrender |
迫在眉睫 pò zài méi jié | pressing in on one's eyelashes (idiom); imminent |
窘迫 jiǒng pò | poverty-stricken; very poor; hard-pressed; in a predicament; embarrassed |
急迫 jí pò | urgent; pressing; imperative |
迫于 pò yú | constrained; restricted; forced to; under pressure to do sth |
饥寒交迫 jī hán jiāo pò | beset by hunger and cold (idiom); starving and freezing; in desperate poverty |
从容不迫 cóng róng bù pò | calm; unruffled |
迫近 pò jìn | to approach; to press in |
交迫 jiāo pò | to be beleaguered |
切迫 qiè pò | urgent |
危迫 wēi pò | urgent; pressing danger |