HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1480th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.10) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2761 |
slip, slide; slippery, polished
滑 huá |

光滑 guāng huá | glossy; sleek; smooth |
滑稽 huá jī | comical; funny; amusing; old pr. [gu3 ji1]; huaji, a form of comedy performance popular in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang |
滑雪 huá xuě | to ski; skiing |
滑板 huá bǎn | skateboard |
滑冰 huá bīng | to skate; skating |
下滑 xià huá | sliding; slide |
滑头 huá tóu | crafty; slippery; slyboots |
润滑油 rùn huá yóu | lubricating oil |
滑行 huá xíng | to slide; to coast; to glide; (of an aircraft) to taxi |
滑翔 huá xiáng | to glide |
润滑剂 rùn huá jì | lubricant |
滑动 huá dòng | to slide; sliding movement |
圆滑 yuán huá | smooth and evasive; slick and sly |
滑铁卢 huá tiě lú | Waterloo (Belgium); Battle of Waterloo (1815); fig. a defeat; failure |
滑轮 huá lún | block and tackle |
滑雪板 huá xuě bǎn | ski; CL:副[fu4]; snowboard |
润滑 rùn huá | smooth; oily; sleek; to lubricate |
平滑 píng huá | flat and smooth |
滑溜 huá liū | to sauté in sticky sauce |
滑溜 huá liu | smooth; slippery; sticky |
滑梯 huá tī | (children's) sliding board; a slide |
滑翔机 huá xiáng jī | glider |
耍滑 shuǎ huá | to resort to tricks; to act in a slippery way; to try to evade (work, responsibility) |
滑落 huá luò | to slide; to roll |
打滑 dǎ huá | to skid; to slip; to slide |