concourse; flow together, gather
- concourse
- flow together, gather
- to remit
- to converge (of rivers)
- to exchange
- class
- collection
- variant of 匯|汇[hui4]

词汇 cí huì | variant of 詞彙|词汇[ci2 hui4]; vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes); word |
汇率 huì lǜ | exchange rate |
汇报 huì bào | to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back; report |
百老汇 bǎi lǎo huì | Broadway (New York City) |
汇合 huì hé | confluence; to converge; to join; to fuse; fusion |
电汇 diàn huì | telegraphic transfer (TT) |
交汇 jiāo huì | to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation; variant of 交匯|交汇 |
汇聚 huì jù | convergence; to come together |
汇款 huì kuǎn | to remit money; remittance |
汇集 huì jí | to collect; to compile; to converge; also written 彙集|汇集[hui4 ji2] |
汇总 huì zǒng | summary; to summarize; to collect (data, receipts etc); to gather and report; also written 匯總|汇总 |
外汇 wài huì | foreign (currency) exchange |
汇票 huì piào | bill of exchange; bank draft |
汇入 huì rù | to flow into; to converge (of river); (computing) to import (data) |
融汇 róng huì | fusion; to combine as one |
汇兑 huì duì | remittance; funds paid to a bank account |
汇流 huì liú | (of rivers etc) to converge; convergence |
汇演 huì yǎn | joint performance |
汇编 huì biān | to compile; collection; compilation; variant of 匯編|汇编[hui4 bian1] |
套汇 tào huì | illegal currency exchange; arbitrage |
字汇 zì huì | Zihui, Chinese character dictionary with 33,179 entries, released in 17th century; (computer) character repertoire; glossary, lexicon |
词汇学 cí huì xué | lexicology (linguistics) |
中央汇金 zhōng yāng huì jīn | central finance; Chinese monetary fund |
交汇处 jiāo huì chù | confluence (of two rivers); junction (of roads); (transport) interchange |
创汇 chuàng huì | to earn foreign exchange |