HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1376th character |
RADICAL | ⼴ (53.5) |
INDEX # | 1220 |
abrogate, terminate, discard
- abrogate, terminate, discard
- to abolish
- to abandon
- to abrogate
- to discard
- to depose
- to oust
- crippled
- abandoned
- waste
- variant of 廢|废[fei4]
- disabled

废话 fèi huà | nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words; You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic) |
废墟 fèi xū | ruins |
废除 fèi chú | to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal |
半途而废 bàn tú ér fèi | to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished |
作废 zuò fèi | to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify |
废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí | to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work |
废物 fèi wù | rubbish; waste material; useless person |
废弃 fèi qì | to discard; to abandon (old ways); to invalidate |
残废 cán fèi | deformity; handicapped |
窝囊废 wō nang fèi | (coll.) spineless coward; wimp; a good-for-nothing |
废品 fèi pǐn | production rejects; seconds; scrap; discarded material |
颓废 tuí fèi | decadent; dispirited; depressed; dejected |
废人 fèi rén | handicapped person; useless person |
荒废 huāng fèi | to abandon (cultivated fields); no longer cultivated; to lie waste; wasted; to neglect (one's work or study) |
废料 fèi liào | waste products; refuse; garbage; good-for-nothing (derog.) |
报废 bào fèi | to scrap; to be written off |
废铁 fèi tiě | scrap iron |
废纸 fèi zhǐ | waste paper |
废掉 fèi diào | to depose (a king) |
废气 fèi qì | exhaust gas; industrial waste gas; steam |
废旧 fèi jiù | worn out; old-fashioned and dilapidated |
废止 fèi zhǐ | to repeal (a law); to put an end to; abolition; annulled |
废水 fèi shuǐ | waste water; drain water; effluent |
废黜 fèi chù | to depose (a king) |
废液 fèi yè | waste liquids |