HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2176th character |
RADICAL | ⾍ (142.3) |
INDEX # | 1497 |
虹 hóng |

彩虹 cǎi hóng | rainbow; CL:道[dao4] |
霓虹灯 ní hóng dēng | neon lamp (loanword) |
虹膜 hóng mó | iris (of an eye) |
虹吸 hóng xī | siphon |
霓虹 ní hóng | rainbow; neon (loanword) |
彩虹蜂虎 cǎi hóng fēng hǔ | (bird species of China) rainbow bee-eater (Merops ornatus) |
彩虹行动 cǎi hóng xíng dòng | the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945 |
彩虹行動 cǎi hóng xíng dòng | the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945 |
彩虹鹦鹉 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ | (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) |
彩虹鸚鵡 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ | (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) |
棕尾虹雉 zōng wěi hóng zhì | (bird species of China) Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus) |
气贯长虹 qì guàn cháng hóng | spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring |
氣貫長虹 qì guàn cháng hóng | spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring |
海虹 hǎi hóng | mussel |
白尾梢虹雉 bái wěi shāo hóng zhì | (bird species of China) Sclater's monal (Lophophorus sclateri) |
绿尾虹雉 lǜ wěi hóng zhì | (bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) |
綠尾虹雉 lǜ wěi hóng zhì | (bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) |
虹口区 hóng kǒu qū | Hongkou district, central Shanghai |
虹口區 hóng kǒu qū | Hongkou district, central Shanghai |
虹吸管 hóng xī guǎn | siphon |
虹彩 hóng cǎi | iridescence; iris (of the eye) |
虹桥 hóng qiáo | Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin |
虹橋 hóng qiáo | Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin |
虹桥机场 hóng qiáo jī chǎng | Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai) |
虹橋機場 hóng qiáo jī chǎng | Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai) |