hóng hòng gòng


HSK 5 #2176


虹 hóng
  • rainbow


虹 stroke order diagram
虹 stroke order animation


cǎi hóng rainbow; CL:道[dao4]
灯 ní hóng dēng neon lamp (loanword)
膜 hóng mó iris (of an eye)
吸 hóng xī siphon
ní hóng rainbow; neon (loanword)
蜂虎 cǎi hóng fēng hǔ (bird species of China) rainbow bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
行动 cǎi hóng xíng dòng the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945
行動 cǎi hóng xíng dòng the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945
鹦鹉 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
鸚鵡 cǎi hóng yīng wǔ (bird species of China) rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)
棕尾雉 zōng wěi hóng zhì (bird species of China) Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus)
气贯长 qì guàn cháng hóng spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring
氣貫長 qì guàn cháng hóng spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring
hǎi hóng mussel
白尾梢雉 bái wěi shāo hóng zhì (bird species of China) Sclater's monal (Lophophorus sclateri)
绿尾雉 lǜ wěi hóng zhì (bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii)
綠尾雉 lǜ wěi hóng zhì (bird species of China) Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii)
口区 hóng kǒu qū Hongkou district, central Shanghai
口區 hóng kǒu qū Hongkou district, central Shanghai
吸管 hóng xī guǎn siphon
彩 hóng cǎi iridescence; iris (of the eye)
桥 hóng qiáo Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin
橋 hóng qiáo Hongqiao, the name of numerous entities, notably a major airport in Shanghai, and a district in Tianjin
桥机场 hóng qiáo jī chǎng Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai)
橋機場 hóng qiáo jī chǎng Hongqiao Airport (Shanghai)
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