HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1773rd character |
RADICAL | ⿒ (211.0) |
INDEX # | 1068 |
teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211
- teeth
- gears, cogs
- age
- simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211
- tooth
- CL:顆|颗[ke1]

牙齿 yá chǐ | tooth; dental; CL:顆|颗[ke1] |
齿轮 chǐ lún | (machine) gear; pinion (gear wheel) |
难以启齿 nán yǐ qǐ chǐ | to be too embarrassed to mention sth (idiom); to find it hard to speak about sth |
锯齿 jù chǐ | sawtooth |
口齿 kǒu chǐ | mouth and teeth; enunciation; to articulate; diction; age (of cattle, horses etc) |
臼齿 jiù chǐ | molar tooth |
不齿 bù chǐ | to despise; to hold in contempt |
启齿 qǐ chǐ | to open one's mouth; to start talking |
犬齿 quǎn chǐ | canine tooth |
智齿 zhì chǐ | wisdom tooth |
咬牙切齿 yǎo yá qiè chǐ | gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth |
剑齿虎 jiàn chǐ hǔ | saber-toothed tiger |
伶牙俐齿 líng yá lì chǐ | clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent; having the gift of the gab |
羞于启齿 xiū yú qǐ chǐ | to be too shy to speak one's mind (idiom) |
龋齿 qǔ chǐ | tooth decay; dental caries; cavity |
乳齿 rǔ chǐ | deciduous tooth; milk tooth; baby tooth |
唇齿相依 chún chǐ xiāng yī | lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related; interdependent |
齿冠 chǐ guān | crown of tooth |
义齿 yì chǐ | artificial tooth |
门齿 mén chǐ | incisor |
齿根 chǐ gēn | root of tooth |
齿龈 chǐ yín | gum; gingiva |
前臼齿 qián jiù chǐ | premolar tooth (immediately behind canine teeth in some mammals) |
齿条 chǐ tiáo | rack (and pinion) |
齿音 chǐ yīn | dental consonant |