HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1111th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.9) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2818 |
slow, leisurely; to postpone, delay
- slow, leisurely
- to postpone, delay
- slow
- unhurried
- sluggish
- gradual
- not tense
- relaxed
- to postpone
- to defer
- to stall
- to stave off
- to revive
- to recuperate

缓解 huǎn jiě | to bring relief; to alleviate (a crisis); to dull (a pain) |
缓和 huǎn hé | to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild |
迟缓 chí huǎn | slow; sluggish |
刻不容缓 kè bù róng huǎn | to brook no delay; to demand immediate action |
缓慢 huǎn màn | slow; slow-moving |
缓刑 huǎn xíng | suspended sentence; probation |
缓缓 huǎn huǎn | slowly; unhurriedly; little by little |
减缓 jiǎn huǎn | to slow down; to retard |
舒缓 shū huǎn | to ease (tension); to relax; to cause sth to relax; to alleviate; relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope) |
延缓 yán huǎn | to defer; to postpone; to put off; to retard; to slow sth down |
缓冲 huǎn chōng | buffer; to cushion; to adjust to sharp changes |
暂缓 zàn huǎn | to postpone |
轻重缓急 qīng zhòng huǎn jí | slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first; sense of priority |
缓冲器 huǎn chōng qì | buffer (computer science) |
缓存 huǎn cún | (computing) cache; buffer memory |
缓期 huǎn qī | to defer; to put off (until later); to postpone |
放缓 fàng huǎn | to slow; to slow down (the pace of) |
平缓 píng huǎn | level; almost flat; not strongly sloping; fig. moderate; mild-mannered; gentle |
缓步 huǎn bù | to walk slowly; to amble along; gradually; slowly |
弛缓 chí huǎn | to relax; to slacken; relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance) |
死缓 sǐ huǎn | deferred death sentence; commuted death sentence with forced labor and judicial review after two years (PRC) (legal) |
和缓 hé huǎn | mild; gentle; to ease up; to relax |
低缓 dī huǎn | low and unhurried (voice etc); low and gently sloping (terrain) |
喜则气缓 xǐ zé qì huǎn | joy depresses one's qi vital breath; an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM) |
啴缓 chǎn huǎn | relaxed; unhurried |