HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1315th character |
RADICAL | ⼱ (50.11) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2854 |
curtain, screen, tent
幕 mù |

开幕式 kāi mù shì | opening ceremony |
字幕 zì mù | caption; subtitle |
屏幕 píng mù | screen (TV, computer or movie) |
内幕 nèi mù | inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal |
幕后 mù hòu | behind the scenes |
开幕 kāi mù | to open (a conference); to inaugurate |
幕府 mù fǔ | (orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer; administration of a military government; (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun |
幕僚 mù liáo | aids and advisors of top officials |
银幕 yín mù | movie screen |
夜幕 yè mù | curtain of night; gathering darkness |
帷幕 wéi mù | heavy curtain |
荧幕 yíng mù | TV screen |
谢幕 xiè mù | to take a curtain call; (fig.) to come to an end |
落幕 luò mù | the curtain drops; the end of the show |
序幕 xù mù | prologue |
幕布 mù bù | (theater) curtain |
烟幕 yān mù | smokescreen; fig. a diversion |
黑幕 hēi mù | hidden details; dirty tricks; dark secrets |
揭幕 jiē mù | opening; unveiling |
烟幕弹 yān mù dàn | smoke bomb |
闭幕 bì mù | the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting) |
揭幕式 jiē mù shì | opening ceremony; unveiling |
闭幕式 bì mù shì | closing ceremony |
报幕 bào mù | announce the items on a (theatrical) program |
帐幕 zhàng mù | tent |