
gas, vapor, air

HSK 5 #2009


  • gas, vapor, air
  • miasma
  • vapor



qì fēn atmosphere; mood
围 fēn wéi ambience; atmosphere
圍 fēn wéi ambience; atmosphere
qì fēn atmosphere; mood
炒气 chǎo qì fēn to liven up the atmosphere
炒氣 chǎo qì fēn to liven up the atmosphere
炒热气 chǎo rè qì fēn to liven up the atmosphere
炒熱氣 chǎo rè qì fēn to liven up the atmosphere
欢乐气 huān lè qì fēn festive atmosphere; a joyful and celebratory mood that makes the environment lively and filled with happiness
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