HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2646th character |
RADICAL | ⽧ (104.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2382 |
痒 yǎng |

痒痒 yǎng yang | to itch; to tickle |
无关痛痒 wú guān tòng yǎng | not to affect sb; irrelevant; of no importance; insignificant |
发痒 fā yǎng | to tickle; to itch |
搔痒 sāo yǎng | to scratch (an itch); to tickle |
手痒 shǒu yǎng | (fig.) to itch (to do sth) |
不痛不痒 bù tòng bù yǎng | lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what; fig. not getting to any matter of substance; scratching the surface; superficial; perfunctory |
痛痒 tòng yǎng | pain and itch; sufferings; importance; consequence |
七年之痒 qī nián zhī yǎng | seven-year itch |
不知痛痒 bù zhī tòng yǎng | numb; unfeeling; indifferent; inconsequential |
不关痛痒 bù guān tòng yǎng | unimportant; of no consequence |
心里痒痒 xīn lǐ yǎng yang | lit. itchy heart; to be itching to do sth (idiom) |
怕痒 pà yǎng | to be ticklish |
抓痒 zhuā yǎng | to scratch an itch |
挠痒痒 náo yǎng yang | to tickle |
瘙痒 sào yǎng | to itch; itchiness |
瘙痒病 sào yǎng bìng | scrapie (prion disease of sheep) |
瘙痒症 sào yǎng zhèng | pruritus; itchy skin |
痒痒挠 yǎng yang náo | backscratcher (made from bamboo etc) |
皮痒 pí yǎng | (coll.) to need a spanking |
羊瘙痒病 yáng sào yǎng bìng | scrapie (prion disease of sheep) |
羊瘙痒症 yáng sào yǎng zhèng | scrapie (prion disease of sheep) |
羊痒疫 yáng yǎng yì | scrapie (prion disease of sheep) |
虱多不痒 shī duō bù yǎng | many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others; Troubles never come singly.; It never rains but it pours. |
隔靴搔痒 gé xuē sāo yǎng | lit. to scratch the outside of the boot (idiom); fig. beside the point; ineffectual |
麻痒 má yǎng | tingling itch; a sensation that combines a slight itchiness with a numb-tingling feeling |