HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1513th character |
RADICAL | ⾗ (152.7) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3141 |
brave, heroic, chivalrous
- brave, heroic, chivalrous
- grand
- heroic

自豪 zì háo | proud (of one's achievements etc) |
豪华 háo huá | luxurious |
豪迈 háo mài | bold; open-minded; heroic |
富豪 fù háo | rich and powerful person |
艾森豪威尔 ài sēn háo wēi ěr | Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), US army general and politician, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II, US President 1953-1961 |
豪门 háo mén | rich and powerful (families); aristocratic; big shots |
自豪感 zì háo gǎn | pride in sth; self-esteem |
豪放 háo fàng | bold and unconstrained; powerful and free |
文豪 wén háo | literary giant; great writer; eminent writer |
豪爽 háo shuǎng | outspoken and straightforward; forthright; expansive |
豪猪 háo zhū | porcupine |
豪杰 háo jié | hero; towering figure |
豪气 háo qì | heroic spirit; heroism |
豪言壮语 háo yán zhuàng yǔ | bold, visionary words |
豪华型 háo huá xíng | deluxe model |
豪雨 háo yǔ | violent rain (e.g. due to monsoon or typhoon); cloudburst |
伍德豪斯 wǔ dé háo sī | Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name) |
粗豪 cū háo | straightforward; forthright |
万豪 wàn háo | Marriott International (hotel chain) |
豪富 háo fù | rich and powerful; rich and influential person; big shot |
豪情壮志 háo qíng zhuàng zhì | lofty ideals; noble aspirations |
豪绅 háo shēn | local despot |
亿万富豪 yì wàn fù háo | multi-millionaire |
億萬富豪 yì wàn fù háo | multi-millionaire |
切特豪斯学校 qiē tè háo sī xué xiào | Charterhouse public school (UK) |