invade, attack, conquer
- invade, attack, conquer
- journey
- trip
- expedition
- to go on long campaign
- to attack
- to invite
- to recruit
- to levy (taxes)
- to draft (troops)
- phenomenon
- symptom
- characteristic sign (used as proof)
- evidence

象征 xiàng zhēng | emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for |
特征 tè zhēng | characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait |
征求 zhēng qiú | to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions, feedback etc); to petition |
征服 zhēng fú | to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish |
征收 zhēng shōu | to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff) |
征兆 zhēng zhào | omen; sign (that sth is about to happen); warning sign |
综合征 zōng hé zhēng | syndrome |
应征 yìng zhēng | to apply (for a job); to reply to a job advertisement |
征召 zhēng zhào | to enlist; to draft; to conscript; to appoint to an official position |
远征 yuǎn zhēng | an expedition, esp. military; march to remote regions |
征兵 zhēng bīng | to levy troops; recruitment |
象征性 xiàng zhēng xìng | symbolic; emblem; token |
征用 zhēng yòng | to expropriate; to commandeer |
出征 chū zhēng | to go into battle; to campaign (military) |
征战 zhēng zhàn | campaign; expedition |
征途 zhēng tú | long journey; trek; course of an expedition |
征程 zhēng chéng | journey; expedition; voyage |
征询 zhēng xún | to consult; to query; to solicit opinion |
征集 zhēng jí | to collect; to recruit |
征募 zhēng mù | to conscript |
征税 zhēng shuì | to levy taxes |
病征 bìng zhēng | symptom (of a disease) |
远征军 yuǎn zhēng jūn | expeditionary force; army on a distant expedition |
征婚 zhēng hūn | to look for a partner |
征调 zhēng diào | to conscript; to second (personnel); to requisition (supplies etc) |