summon, recruit; musical note
徵 zhǐ |
徵 zhēng |

含商咀徵 hán shāng jǔ zhǐ | permeated with beautiful music (idiom) |
含宫咀徵 hán gōng jǔ zhǐ | permeated with beautiful music (idiom) |
含宮咀徵 hán gōng jǔ zhǐ | permeated with beautiful music (idiom) |
宫商角徵羽 gōng shāng jué zhǐ yǔ | pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la |
宮商角徵羽 gōng shāng jué zhǐ yǔ | pre-Tang names of the five notes of the pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la |
布加綜合徵 bù jiā zōng hé zhēng | Budd-Chiari syndrome |
引徵 yǐn zhēng | quotation; citing; to cite; to reference |
強徵 qiǎng zhēng | to press into service; to impress; to commandeer |
徵信 zhēng xìn | to examine the reliability; reliable; credit reporting |
徵信社 zhēng xìn shè | (Tw) private investigator; credit bureau |
徵候 zhēng hòu | sign; indication; symptom |
徵傳 zhēng zhuàn | narrative of long journey; campaign record |
徵兆 zhēng zhào | omen; sign (that sth is about to happen); warning sign |
徵兵 zhēng bīng | to levy troops; recruitment |
徵募 zhēng mù | to conscript |
徵友 zhēng yǒu | to seek new friends through personal ads, dating apps etc |
徵召 zhēng zhào | to enlist; to draft; to conscript; to appoint to an official position |
徵名責實 zhēng míng zé shí | to seek out the real nature based on the name (idiom); to judge sth at face value |
徵士 zhēng shì | soldier (in battle) |
徵婚 zhēng hūn | to look for a partner |
徵實 zhēng shí | levies in kind; grain tax |
徵才 zhēng cái | to recruit |
徵收 zhēng shōu | to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff) |
徵求 zhēng qiú | to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions, feedback etc); to petition |
徵狀 zhēng zhuàng | symptom |