
invade, attack, conquer


  • invade, attack, conquer
  • journey
  • trip
  • expedition
  • to go on long campaign
  • to attack
  • to invite
  • to recruit
  • to levy (taxes)
  • to draft (troops)
  • phenomenon
  • symptom
  • characteristic sign (used as proof)
  • evidence


征 stroke order diagram
征 stroke order animation


biǎo zhēng symbol; indicator; representation
cháng zhēng Long March (retreat of the Red Army 1934-1935); expedition; long journey
得 zhēng dé to obtain (permission etc)
tǐ zhēng (medical) sign; physical sign
候 zhēng hòu sign; indication; symptom
象 zhēng xiàng sign; symptom
地 zhēng dì to requisition land
qīn zhēng to take to the field oneself (of emperor); to take part in person in an expedition
yí zhēng Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu
yí zhēng Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu
市 yí zhēng shì Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu
市 yí zhēng shì Yizheng county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu
lì zhēng by force; to conquer by force of arms; power
běi zhēng punitive expedition to the north
十字军东 shí zì jūn dōng zhēng the Crusades; crusaders' eastern expedition
十字軍東 shí zì jūn dōng zhēng the Crusades; crusaders' eastern expedition
十字军远 shí zì jūn yuǎn zhēng the Crusades
十字軍遠 shí zì jūn yuǎn zhēng the Crusades
nán zhēng punitive expedition to the south
北伐 nán zhēng běi fá war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
北战 nán zhēng běi zhàn war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
北戰 nán zhēng běi zhàn war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
北讨 nán zhēng běi tǎo war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
北討 nán zhēng běi tǎo war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters
bǔ zhēng to ask oracle for war forecast