HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 893rd character |
RADICAL | ⼞ (31.5) |
INDEX # | 1093 |
to become solid, solidify; strength
- to become solid, solidify
- strength
- hard
- strong
- solid
- sure
- assuredly
- undoubtedly
- of course
- indeed
- admittedly

固定 gù dìng | to fix; to fasten; to set rigidly in place; fixed; set; regular |
固执 gù zhí | obstinate; stubborn |
顽固 wán gù | stubborn; obstinate |
坚固 jiān gù | firm; firmly; hard; stable |
牢固 láo gù | firm; secure |
凝固 níng gù | to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fig. with rapt attention |
巩固 gǒng gù | to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen |
固体 gù tǐ | solid |
固然 gù rán | admittedly (it's true that...) |
固有 gù yǒu | intrinsic to sth; inherent; native |
根深蒂固 gēn shēn dì gù | deep-rooted (problem etc) |
类固醇 lèi gù chún | steroid |
加固 jiā gù | to reinforce (a structure); to strengthen |
胆固醇 dǎn gù chún | cholesterol |
稳固 wěn gù | stable; steady; firm; to stabilize |
固执己见 gù zhí jǐ jiàn | to persist in one's views |
固若金汤 gù ruò jīn tāng | secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom); well fortified; invulnerable to attack |
固态 gù tài | solid state (physics) |
固守 gù shǒu | to strongly defend one's position; to be entrenched; to cling to |
固化 gù huà | to solidify; solidification (chemistry) |
固定资产 gù dìng zī chǎn | fixed assets |
固件 gù jiàn | firmware |
死顽固 sǐ wán gù | very stubborn; very stubborn person; die-hard |
保固 bǎo gù | to undertake to rectify any deficiencies in the quality of a building, product or service; warranty; guarantee |
僵固性 jiāng gù xìng | rigidity |