HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1786th character |
RADICAL | ⽃ (68.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2347 |
slanting, sloping, inclined
斜 xié |

倾斜 qīng xié | to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt |
斜坡 xié pō | slope; incline |
斜眼 xié yǎn | to look askance; cross or wall-eyed |
斜视 xié shì | a squint; sideways glance; to look askance |
斜线 xié xiàn | diagonal line; slanting line; slash (punct.); forward slash (computing) |
倾斜度 qīng xié dù | inclination (from the horizontal or vertical); slope; obliquity |
斜面 xié miàn | inclined plane |
斜塔 xié tǎ | leaning tower |
斜边 xié biān | sloping side; hypotenuse (of a right-angled triangle) |
斜角 xié jiǎo | bevel angle; oblique angle |
斜阳 xié yáng | setting sun |
斜度 xié dù | slope; gradient; inclination |
歪斜 wāi xié | crooked; askew; oblique; slanting; out of plumb |
歪歪斜斜 wāi wāi xié xié | shuddering; trembling; a trembling scrawl (of handwriting) |
斜率 xié lǜ | slope |
斜体字 xié tǐ zì | italic letter; slanting typeface |
不偏斜 bù piān xié | not leaning to one side; impartial; even-handed |
乜斜 miē xie | to squint |
偏斜 piān xié | crooked; not upright; diverging from straight line; improper; dishonest |
傾斜 qīng xié | to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt |
傾斜度 qīng xié dù | inclination (from the horizontal or vertical); slope; obliquity |
内斜视 nèi xié shì | (medicine) esotropia; cross-eye |
內斜視 nèi xié shì | (medicine) esotropia; cross-eye |
反斜杠 fǎn xié gàng | backslash (computing) |
反斜线 fǎn xié xiàn | backslash (computing); reversed diagonal |