HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1022nd character |
RADICAL | ⾔ (149.3) |
INDEX # | 319 |
teach, instruct; exegesis
训 xùn |

训练 xùn liàn | to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] |
教训 jiào xun | lesson; moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb |
培训 péi xùn | to cultivate; to train; to groom; training |
受训 shòu xùn | to receive training |
训话 xùn huà | to admonish subordinates |
培训班 péi xùn bān | training class |
训斥 xùn chì | to reprimand; to rebuke; to berate; stern criticism |
集训 jí xùn | to train together; to practice as a group |
训诫 xùn jiè | to reprimand; to admonish; to lecture sb |
军训 jūn xùn | military practice, esp. for reservists or new recruits; military training as a (sometimes compulsory) subject in schools and colleges; drill |
校训 xiào xùn | school motto |
古训 gǔ xùn | old adage; ancient teaching |
训令 xùn lìng | order; instruction |
遗训 yí xùn | wishes of the deceased |
不足为训 bù zú wéi xùn | not to be taken as an example; not an example to be followed; not to be taken as authoritative |
吸取教训 xī qǔ jiào xun | to draw a lesson (from a setback) |
在职训练 zài zhí xùn liàn | on-the-job training |
家训 jiā xùn | instructions to one's children; family precepts |
山中圣训 shān zhōng shèng xùn | the Sermon on the Mount |
庭训 tíng xùn | tuition within family; education from father |
彝训 yí xùn | regular exhortations |
政训处 zhèng xùn chù | political training office (during Chinese revolution, since renamed political division 政治部) |
故训 gù xùn | old teaching (e.g. religious instruction) |
整训 zhěng xùn | to drill troops; to build up and train |
短训班 duǎn xùn bān | short training course |