
step on

HSK 5 #2570


踩 cǎi
  • variant of 踩[cai3]
  • to step on
  • to tread
  • to stamp
  • to press a pedal
  • to pedal (a bike)
  • (online) to downvote



高跷 cǎi gāo qiāo to walk on stilts
水 cǎi shuǐ to tread water; to paddle or tramp in shallow water
往泥里 wǎng nì lǐ cǎi to belittle; to attack sb
往泥裡 wǎng nì lǐ cǎi to belittle; to attack sb
扒高低 pá gāo cǎi dī crawl high, step low (idiom); unprincipled crawling, flattering one's superiors and trampling on one's juniors; toadying and bullying
两只船 jiǎo cǎi liǎng zhī chuán see 腳踏兩隻船|脚踏两只船[jiao3 ta4 liang3 zhi1 chuan2]
兩隻船 jiǎo cǎi liǎng zhī chuán see 腳踏兩隻船|脚踏两只船[jiao3 ta4 liang3 zhi1 chuan2]
刹车 cǎi shā chē to step on the brake; to brake (when driving)
剎車 cǎi shā chē to step on the brake; to brake (when driving)
动 cǎi dòng to operate by means of a pedal
動 cǎi dòng to operate by means of a pedal
失脚 cǎi shī jiǎo to lose one's footing
失腳 cǎi shī jiǎo to lose one's footing
线 cǎi xiàn to scout for a tour operator; to reconnoiter a potential tour itinerary; (tennis) to commit a foot fault
線 cǎi xiàn to scout for a tour operator; to reconnoiter a potential tour itinerary; (tennis) to commit a foot fault
线团 cǎi xiàn tuán group on a tour to get acquainted with the local situation
線團 cǎi xiàn tuán group on a tour to get acquainted with the local situation
踏 cǎi tà to trample on
道 cǎi dào to scout; to reconnoiter
镲 cǎi chǎ hi-hat
鑔 cǎi chǎ hi-hat
高蹺 cǎi gāo qiāo to walk on stilts
下 cǎi xià to step on or press down (e.g., brake, pedal)
到 cǎi dào step on; to tread or place one's foot on something
死 cǎi sǐ to step on and kill
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