HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1896th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.11) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3165 |
drip; drop of water
- drip
- drop of water
- a drop
- to drip

点滴 diǎn dī | a drip; a little bit; intravenous drip (used to administer drugs) |
点点滴滴 diǎn diǎn dī dī | bit by bit; dribs and drabs; the little details; every aspect |
雨滴 yǔ dī | raindrop |
水滴 shuǐ dī | drop |
一点一滴 yī diǎn yī dī | bit by bit; every little bit |
垂涎欲滴 chuí xián yù dī | to drool with desire (idiom); to envy; to hunger for |
滴水 dī shuǐ | water drop; dripping water |
滴管 dī guǎn | eyedropper; pipette; burette |
娇滴滴 jiāo dī dī | sweet; cute; delicately pretty |
馋涎欲滴 chán xián yù dī | lit. to drool with desire (idiom); fig. to hunger for; greedy |
滴水穿石 dī shuǐ chuān shí | dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty. |
滴溜溜 dī liū liū | whirling; spinning around and around; round and plump (e.g. of fruit) |
滴灌 dī guàn | drip irrigation; to irrigate by drip feed |
一點一滴 yī diǎn yī dī | bit by bit; every little bit |
吊点滴 diào diǎn dī | to put sb on an intravenous drip (Tw) |
吊點滴 diào diǎn dī | to put sb on an intravenous drip (Tw) |
嬌滴滴 jiāo dī dī | sweet; cute; delicately pretty |
小滴 xiǎo dī | a drop |
打点滴 dǎ diǎn dī | to put sb on an intravenous drip |
打點滴 dǎ diǎn dī | to put sb on an intravenous drip |
欲滴 yù dī | (suffix) replete (with moisture); glistening; plump and tender; lovely; alluring |
水滴石穿 shuǐ dī shí chuān | dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty. |
水滴鱼 shuǐ dī yú | blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) |
水滴魚 shuǐ dī yú | blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) |
涓滴 juān dī | tiny stream; trickle; drops; tiny trickle of funds |