drip; drop of water

HSK 5 #1896


  • drip
  • drop of water
  • a drop
  • to drip


滴 stroke order diagram
滴 stroke order animation


归公 juān dī guī gōng every drop returns to the public good (idiom); not one penny is misused
歸公 juān dī guī gōng every drop returns to the public good (idiom); not one penny is misused
下 dī xià drip
剂 dī jì to drip (e.g. medical drip feed)
劑 dī jì to drip (e.g. medical drip feed)
定 dī dìng titration
定管 dī dìng guǎn burette; buret
度 dī dù titer (chemistry, biology)
水不漏 dī shuǐ bù lòu lit. not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument)
水不羼 dī shuǐ bù chàn not diluted by one drop; hundred percent
水嘴兽 dī shuǐ zuǐ shòu gargoyle (architecture)
水嘴獸 dī shuǐ zuǐ shòu gargoyle (architecture)
水石穿 dī shuǐ shí chuān dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty.
注 dī zhù to drip into; to transfuse; to percolate; to drip feed; fig. to instill
流 dī liú trickle
溜圆 dī liū yuán completely round
溜圓 dī liū yuán completely round
dī dī DiDi, app-based transportation company (abbr. for 滴滴出行[Di1 di1 Chu1 xing2])
出行 dī dī chū xíng Didi Chuxing Technology Co., aka DiDi, app-based transportation company, headquartered in Beijing, founded in 2012
涕 dī dī tì DDT (loanword); dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
漏 dī lòu water clock; clepsydra; to drip
漏计时器 dī lòu jì shí qì hourglass; water clock; clepsydra
漏計時器 dī lòu jì shí qì hourglass; water clock; clepsydra
沥 dī lì to drip (of rainwater)
瀝 dī lì to drip (of rainwater)