HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 515th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.0) |
INDEX # | 27 |
soil, earth; items made of earth
土 tǔ |

土地 tǔ dì | land; soil; territory; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] |
土地 tǔ di | local god; genius loci |
土豆 tǔ dòu | potato; CL:個|个[ge4]; (Tw) peanut; CL:顆|颗[ke1] |
领土 lǐng tǔ | territory |
土壤 tǔ rǎng | soil |
风土人情 fēng tǔ rén qíng | local conditions and customs (idiom) |
国土 guó tǔ | country's territory; national land |
土耳其 tǔ ěr qí | Turkey |
泥土 ní tǔ | earth; soil; mud; clay |
本土 běn tǔ | one's native country; native; local; metropolitan territory |
尘土 chén tǔ | dust |
混凝土 hùn níng tǔ | concrete |
土豆泥 tǔ dòu ní | mashed potato |
土司 tǔ sī | sliced bread (loanword from "toast"); government-appointed hereditary tribal headman in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties |
土匪 tǔ fěi | bandit |
入土 rù tǔ | to bury; buried; interred |
卷土重来 juǎn tǔ chóng lái | lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom); fig. to regroup and come back even stronger; to make a comeback |
推土机 tuī tǔ jī | bulldozer |
土拨鼠 tǔ bō shǔ | groundhog |
土生土长 tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng | locally born and bred; indigenous; home-grown |
乐土 lè tǔ | happy place; paradise; haven |
土包子 tǔ bāo zi | country bumpkin; boor; unsophisticated country person (humble, applied to oneself); burial mound |
土星 tǔ xīng | Saturn (planet) |
土耳其人 tǔ ěr qí rén | a Turk; Turkish person |
土人 tǔ rén | native; aborigine; clay figure |