HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 810th character |
RADICAL | ⽚ (91.4) |
INDEX # | 1143 |
printing blocks; edition
- printing blocks
- edition
- a register
- block of printing
- edition
- version
- page

出版 chū bǎn | to publish |
版本 bǎn běn | version; edition; release |
头版 tóu bǎn | (newspaper's) front page |
出版社 chū bǎn shè | publishing house |
版权 bǎn quán | copyright |
版面 bǎn miàn | page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website); printing space (reserved for some content); page layout |
盗版 dào bǎn | pirated; illegal; see also 正版[zheng4 ban3] |
翻版 fān bǎn | to reprint; reproduction; pirate copy; (fig.) imitation; carbon copy; clone |
出版物 chū bǎn wù | publications |
版税 bǎn shuì | royalty (on books) |
版图 bǎn tú | domain; territory |
绝版 jué bǎn | out of print |
排版 pái bǎn | typesetting |
新版 xīn bǎn | new edition; new version |
版块 bǎn kuài | printing block; section (of a newspaper); board (of BBS or discussion forum) |
改版 gǎi bǎn | to revise the current edition; revised edition |
版画 bǎn huà | printmaking; a print |
再版 zài bǎn | second edition; reprint |
拼版 pīn bǎn | to typeset; to make up (printers' plates) |
正版 zhèng bǎn | genuine; legal; see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3] |
珂罗版 kē luó bǎn | collotype (printing) (loanword) |
雕版 diāo bǎn | a carved printing block |
图版 tú bǎn | printing plate bearing an image (illustration, photo etc); print made with such a plate |
版式 bǎn shì | format |
制版 zhì bǎn | to make a plate (printing) |