HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1612th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.4) |
INDEX # | 612 |
support, help; protect; hold on
扶 fú |

扶手 fú shǒu | handrail; armrest |
扶持 fú chí | to help; to assist |
救死扶伤 jiù sǐ fú shāng | to help the dying and heal the injured |
扶梯 fú tī | ladder; staircase; escalator |
扶养 fú yǎng | to foster; to bring up; to raise |
扶摇直上 fú yáo zhí shàng | to skyrocket; to get quick promotion in one's career |
扶桑 fú sāng | Fusang, mythical island of ancient literature, often interpreted as Japan |
扶植 fú zhí | to foster; to support |
搀扶 chān fú | to lend an arm to support sb |
扶助 fú zhù | to assist |
扶手椅 fú shǒu yǐ | armchair |
匡扶社稷 kuāng fú shè jì | (of states within the nation) to support the ruler in governing the country |
同侪扶持 tóng chái fú chí | peer support |
同儕扶持 tóng chái fú chí | peer support |
扶不起的阿斗 fú bù qǐ de ā dǒu | weak and inept person; hopeless case |
扶乩 fú jī | planchette writing; to do planchette writing |
扶他林 fú tā lín | voltaren, a trade name for diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce swelling and as painkiller |
扶余县 fú yú xiàn | Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin |
扶余縣 fú yú xiàn | Fuyu county in Songyuan 松原, Jilin |
扶南 fú nán | Funan, ancient state in Southeast Asia (1st - 6th century) |
扶危 fú wēi | to help those in distress |
扶危济困 fú wēi jì kùn | to help those in distress (idiom) |
扶危濟困 fú wēi jì kùn | to help those in distress (idiom) |
扶困济危 fú kùn jì wēi | see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4] |
扶困濟危 fú kùn jì wēi | see 濟危扶困|济危扶困[ji4 wei1 fu2 kun4] |