HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2076th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 972 |
to break up, split apart, rip open; to destroy
拆 chāi |

拆除 chāi chú | to tear down; to demolish; to dismantle; to remove |
拆散 chāi sàn | to break up (a marriage, family etc) |
拆开 chāi kāi | to dismantle; to disassemble; to open up (sth sealed); to unpick |
拆穿 chāi chuān | to expose; to unmask; to see through (a lie etc) |
拆毁 chāi huǐ | to dismantle; to demolish |
拆迁 chāi qiān | to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants |
拆卸 chāi xiè | to unload; to dismantle |
拆线 chāi xiàn | to remove stitches (from a wound) |
拆解 chāi jiě | to disassemble |
拆台 chāi tái | (theater) to dismantle the stage; (fig.) to pull the rug out from under sb's feet; to undermine sb's plans |
人艰不拆 rén jiān bù chāi | life is hard enough as it is; don't burst my bubble (Internet slang) |
人艱不拆 rén jiān bù chāi | life is hard enough as it is; don't burst my bubble (Internet slang) |
分拆 fèn chāi | to separate off; to hive off; a demerger |
同业拆借 tóng yè chāi jiè | call loan; short-term loan within banking |
同業拆借 tóng yè chāi jiè | call loan; short-term loan within banking |
宁拆十座庙,不毁一桩婚 níng chāi shí zuò miào , bù huì yī zhuāng hūn | rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom) |
寧拆十座廟,不毀一樁婚 níng chāi shí zuò miào , bù huì yī zhuāng hūn | rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage (idiom) |
托里拆利 tuō lǐ chāi lì | Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist, colleague of Galileo |
拆下 chāi xià | to dismantle; to take apart |
拆借 chāi jiè | short-term loan |
拆分 chāi fēn | to break up into parts |
拆字 chāi zì | fortune telling by unpicking Chinese characters |
拆息 chāi xī | daily interest on a loan |
拆放款 chāi fàng kuǎn | funds on call; invested sum that can be cashed |
拆东墙补西墙 chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng | lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall (idiom); fig. temporary expedient; Rob Peter to pay Paul |