HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 289th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.3) |
INDEX # | 398 |
arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery
达 dá |

到达 dào dá | to reach; to arrive |
表达 biǎo dá | to express; to convey |
达到 dá dào | to reach; to achieve; to attain |
发达 fā dá | developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop |
达成 dá chéng | to reach (an agreement); to accomplish |
抵达 dǐ dá | to arrive; to reach (a destination) |
传达 chuán dá | to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission |
雷达 léi dá | radar (loanword) |
转达 zhuǎn dá | to pass on; to convey; to communicate |
佛罗里达 fú luó lǐ dá | Florida |
达拉斯 dá lā sī | Dallas |
柯达 kē dá | Kodak (brand, US film company); full name Eastman Kodak Company 伊士曼柯達公司|伊士曼柯达公司[Yi1 shi4 man4 Ke1 da2 Gong1 si1] |
巴格达 bā gé dá | Baghdad, capital of Iraq |
下达 xià dá | to transmit down (a chain of command); to pass down (to lower level); to issue; to send through |
萨达姆 sà dá mǔ | Saddam |
斯巴达 sī bā dá | Sparta |
佛罗里达州 fó luó lǐ dá zhōu | Florida |
内华达 nèi huá dá | Nevada, US state |
内华达州 nèi huá dá zhōu | Nevada, US state |
卢旺达 lú wàng dá | Rwanda |
直达 zhí dá | to go nonstop to; through (as in "through train"); nonstop |
溜达 liū da | to stroll; to go for a walk |
达尔文 dá ěr wén | Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Species" 物種起源|物种起源[Wu3 zhong3 Qi3 yuan2]; Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory (Australia) 北領地|北领地[Bei3 Ling3 di4] |
明尼苏达 míng ní sū dá | Minnesota, USA |
乌干达 wū gān dá | Uganda |