HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 449th character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1948 |
call; name, brand; address; say
称 chēng |
称 chèn |
称 chèng |

称呼 chēng hu | to call; to address as; appellation |
称赞 chēng zàn | to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment |
称号 chēng hào | name; term of address; title |
对称 duì chèn | symmetry; symmetrical |
称心如意 chèn xīn rú yì | after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and satisfactory; everything one could wish |
称为 chēng wéi | called; to call sth (by a name); to name |
声称 shēng chēng | to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert |
称之为 chēng zhī wéi | to call it...; known as... |
称作 chēng zuò | to be called; to be known as |
自称 zì chēng | to call oneself; to claim to be; to profess; to claim a title |
宣称 xuān chēng | to assert; to claim |
称职 chèn zhí | well qualified; competent; to be equal to the task; able to do sth very well |
名称 míng chēng | name (of a thing); name (of an organization) |
简称 jiǎn chēng | to be abbreviated to; abbreviation; short form |
称得上 chēng de shàng | can be counted as |
号称 hào chēng | to be known as; to be nicknamed; to be purportedly; to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely) |
称霸 chēng bà | lit. to proclaim oneself hegemon; to take a leading role; to build a personal fiefdom |
堪称 kān chēng | can be rated as; can be said to be |
人称 rén chēng | person (first person, second person etc in grammar); called; known as |
相称 xiāng chèn | to match; to suit; mutually compatible |
辩称 biàn chēng | to argue (that); to allege; to dispute; to plead (e.g. not guilty) |
据称 jù chēng | it is said; allegedly; according to reports; or so they say |
俗称 sú chēng | commonly referred to as; common term |
匀称 yún chèn | well proportioned; well shaped |
别称 bié chēng | another name; alternative name |