HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2215th character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.6) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1897 |
halo in sky; fog; dizzy, faint
晕 yūn |
晕 yùn |

晕倒 yūn dǎo | to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious |
头晕 tóu yūn | dizzy |
眩晕 xuàn yùn | vertigo; dizziness; fainting; feeling of swaying, head spinning, lack of balance or floating (e.g. from a stroke); Taiwan pr. [xuan4 yun1] |
晕头转向 yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng | confused and disoriented |
晕船 yùn chuán | to become seasick |
晕车 yùn chē | to be carsick |
发晕 fā yūn | to feel dizzy |
晕厥 yūn jué | to faint |
头晕目眩 tóu yūn mù xuàn | to have a dizzy spell; dazzled |
晕机 yùn jī | to become airsick |
头晕眼花 tóu yūn yǎn huā | to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed |
红晕 hóng yùn | to blush; to flush red |
血晕 xiě yùn | bruise; pale red |
血晕 xuè yùn | coma caused by loss of blood; fainting at the sight of blood; Taiwan pr. [xie3 yun1] |
乳晕 rǔ yùn | mammary areola |
光晕 guāng yùn | halo; (photography) halation |
周围性眩晕 zhōu wéi xìng xuàn yùn | peripheral vertigo |
圆晕 yuán yùn | concentric circles; circular ripples |
日月晕 rì yuè yùn | halo; ring of light around the sun or moon |
晕乎 yūn hu | dizzy; giddy |
晕场 yùn chǎng | to faint from stress (during exam, on stage etc) |
晕染 yùn rǎn | to smudge (become smeared); to smudge (create a blurred effect); shading (wash painting technique) |
晕死 yūn sǐ | Geez!; Shoot!; No way! |
晕池 yùn chí | to faint in the bathroom (from heat) |
晕眩 yūn xuàn | to feel dizzy; dizziness |