
halo in sky; fog; dizzy, faint


暈 yūn
  • confused
  • dizzy
  • giddy
  • to faint
  • to swoon
  • to lose consciousness
  • to pass out
暈 yùn
  • dizzy
  • halo
  • ring around moon or sun


rǔ yùn mammary areola
guāng yùn halo; (photography) halation
周圍性眩 zhōu wéi xìng xuàn yùn peripheral vertigo
yuán yùn concentric circles; circular ripples
日月 rì yuè yùn halo; ring of light around the sun or moon
乎 yūn hu dizzy; giddy
倒 yūn dǎo to faint; to swoon; to black out; to become unconscious
厥 yūn jué to faint
場 yùn chǎng to faint from stress (during exam, on stage etc)
染 yùn rǎn to smudge (become smeared); to smudge (create a blurred effect); shading (wash painting technique)
機 yùn jī to become airsick
死 yūn sǐ Geez!; Shoot!; No way!
池 yùn chí to faint in the bathroom (from heat)
眩 yūn xuàn to feel dizzy; dizziness
糊 yūn hu dizzy; giddy
船 yùn chuán to become seasick
菜 yūn cài (dialect) to get confused; dumbfounded; to get dizzy
血 yùn xuè to feel sick when seeing blood
血症 yùn xuè zhèng blood phobia
車 yùn chē to be carsick
針 yùn zhēn to faint during acupuncture or injection
頭 yūn tóu dizzy
頭轉向 yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng confused and disoriented
高兒 yùn gāo r to feel giddy on heights; vertigo
yuè yùn ring around the moon; lunar halo
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