
hundred million; many

HSK 5 #1057


  • hundred million
  • many
  • 100 million



亿万 yì wàn millions and millions
亿 shí yì one billion; giga-
数十亿 shù shí yì several billion
亿 qiān yì myriads; hundred billion
数以亿计 shù yǐ yì jì countless; innumerable
亿计 yǐ yì jì to number in the thousands
亿万富翁 yì wàn fù wēng billionaire; multimillionaire
亿万富豪 yì wàn fù háo multi-millionaire
亿位元 shí yì wèi yuán gigabit
十多亿 shí duō yì over one billion; more than a billion
亿 yáng yì Yang Yi (974-1020), Northern Song dynasty writer and poet
亿美元 yì měi yuán hundred million US dollars; a financial unit equivalent to 100 million dollars in United States currency
亿人 yì rén about a hundred million people
亿澳元 yì ào yuán 200 billion Australian dollars; a large monetary amount denominated in Australian currency
二十亿 èr shí yì two billion; 2,000,000,000
亿册 yì cè a hundred million copies
亿 bǎi yì hundred billion; used to describe a sum of one hundred billion, often in the context of financial achievements or milestones
亿 wàn yì trillion; a numerical figure representing one trillion, or a million million, typically used in financial contexts to express large magnitudes
亿元 yì yuán hundred million yuan; a denomination indicating a monetary value of one hundred million yuan, which is a significant amount of Chinese currency
亿为 yì wéi counting in terms of billions
亿元 wàn yì yuán trillions of yuan; an amount equal to one thousand billion yuan, used to describe large-scale financial figures
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