
open eyes; stare

HSK 5 #1963


  • open eyes
  • stare
  • to open (one's eyes)



yǎn zhēng zhēng to stare blankly; to look on helplessly; to look on unfeelingly
口呆 mù zhēng kǒu dāi stunned; dumbstruck
一眼闭一眼 zhēng yī yǎn bì yī yǎn to turn a blind eye
一只眼闭一只眼 zhēng yī zhī yǎn bì yī zhī yǎn to turn a blind eye
眼 zhēng yǎn to open one's eyes
眼说瞎话 zhēng yǎn shuō xiā huà to lie through one's teeth (idiom); to talk drivel
着眼睛说瞎话 zhēng zhe yǎn jīng shuō xiā huà to lie through one's teeth (idiom); to talk drivel
开 zhēng kāi to open (one's eyes)
只眼闭只眼 zhēng zhī yǎn bì zhī yǎn to turn a blind eye
开眼睛 zhēng kāi yǎn jing to open one's eyes
开眼睛 zhēng kāi yǎn jīng open one's eyes; to open the eyes, usually after sleeping or blinking
大 dì zhēng dà to open (the eyes) wide
开眼 zhēng kāi yǎn open one's eyes; the action of waking up or becoming alert by opening one's eyes
大眼睛 zhēng dà yǎn jīng open one's eyes wide; to widen one's eyes in surprise or anticipation
不开 zhēng bù kāi to be unable to open (eyes) completely; to have difficulty in opening (eyes) fully
半闭 bàn zhēng bàn bì Half-open and half-closed; partially opened and partially closed, likely describing the state of someone's eyes.
大 de zhēng dà to open (the eyes) wide
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