HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 870th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2417 |
渐 jiàn |
渐 jiān |

逐渐 zhú jiàn | gradually |
循序渐进 xún xù jiàn jìn | in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally |
渐渐 jiàn jiàn | gradually |
日渐 rì jiàn | to progress (or increase, change etc) day by day; more (or better etc) with each passing day |
渐进 jiàn jìn | progress step by step; gradual progress; to move forward (slowly) |
防微杜渐 fáng wēi dù jiàn | to nip in the bud (idiom) |
渐变 jiàn biàn | gradual change |
杜渐防萌 dù jiān fáng méng | to nip in the bud |
渐冻人症 jiàn dòng rén zhèng | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), aka motor neurone disease (MND) |
渐弱 jiàn ruò | to fade out; gradually weakening; diminuendo; decrescendo |
渐快 jiàn kuài | to speed up gradually; faster and faster; (music) accelerando |
渐慢 jiàn màn | to slow down gradually; slower and slower; (music) decelerando; ritardando |
渐新世 jiàn xīn shì | Oligocene (geological epoch from 34m-24m years ago) |
渐新统 jiàn xīn tǒng | Oligocene system (geology) |
渐次 jiàn cì | gradually; one by one |
渐稀 jiàn xī | to thin out gradually; to become fainter and fainter |
渐行渐远 jiàn xíng jiàn yuǎn | gradually proceed, gradually get further apart |
渐趋 jiàn qū | to become more and more; to gradually become |
渐近 jiàn jìn | approximation |
积渐 jī jiàn | gradually |
逐渐增加 zhú jiàn zēng jiā | to increase gradually; to build up |
逐渐废弃 zhú jiàn fèi qì | to abandon gradually |
渐起 jiàn qǐ | gradually rise; to gradually emerge or become apparent |
渐高 jiàn gāo | gradually become higher; to rise gradually, increase in height |
渐深 jiàn shēn | gradually deepening; growing darker |