HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 556th character |
RADICAL | ⼟ (32.6) |
INDEX # | 1363 |
pattern, model, type; law; mold
型 xíng |

类型 lèi xíng | type; category; genre; form; style |
大型 dà xíng | large; large-scale |
造型 zào xíng | to model; to shape; appearance; style; design; form; pose |
模型 mó xíng | model; mold; matrix; pattern |
典型 diǎn xíng | model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative |
发型 fà xíng | hairstyle; coiffure; hairdo |
小型 xiǎo xíng | small scale; small size |
型号 xíng hào | model (particular version of a manufactured article); type (product specification in terms of color, size etc) |
巨型 jù xíng | giant; enormous |
血型 xuè xíng | blood group; blood type |
体型 tǐ xíng | build; body type |
微型 wēi xíng | miniature; micro-; tiny |
原型 yuán xíng | model; prototype; archetype |
新型 xīn xíng | new type; new kind |
重型 zhòng xíng | heavy; heavy duty; large caliber |
定型 dìng xíng | to finalize (a design etc); stereotype; permanent wave or perm (hairdressing) |
转型 zhuǎn xíng | transformation; to transform |
成型 chéng xíng | to become shaped; to become formed |
轻型 qīng xíng | light (machinery, aircraft etc) |
中型 zhōng xíng | medium sized |
脸型 liǎn xíng | shape of face; physiognomy |
字型 zì xíng | font; typeface |
流线型 liú xiàn xíng | sleek; streamlined |
外向型 wài xiàng xíng | export-oriented (economic model) |
豪华型 háo huá xíng | deluxe model |