HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1170th character |
RADICAL | ⽯ (112.7) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2589 |
hard, firm, strong; obstinate
硬 yìng |

硬件 yìng jiàn | hardware |
僵硬 jiāng yìng | stiff; rigid |
坚硬 jiān yìng | hard; solid |
硬币 yìng bì | coin; CL:枚[mei2] |
强硬 qiáng yìng | tough; unyielding; hard-line |
硬盘 yìng pán | hard disk |
硬汉 yìng hàn | man of steel; unyielding, tough guy |
硬化 yìng huà | to harden; hardening; sclerosis; fig. to become rigid or inflexible in opinions; to ossify |
生硬 shēng yìng | stiff; harsh |
硬朗 yìng lǎng | robust; healthy |
嘴硬 zuǐ yìng | reluctant to admit a mistake |
硬撑 yìng chēng | to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc |
硬木 yìng mù | hardwood |
肝硬化 gān yìng huà | cirrhosis |
硬是 yìng shì | just; simply; stubbornly; really |
硬碰硬 yìng pèng yìng | to meet force with force; painstaking |
硬着头皮 yìng zhe tóu pí | to brace oneself to do sth; to put a bold face on it; to summon up courage; to force oneself to |
强硬派 qiáng yìng pài | hardline faction; hawks |
死硬 sǐ yìng | stiff; rigid; obstinate |
过硬 guò yìng | to have perfect mastery of sth; to be up to the mark |
硬壳 yìng ké | crust; hard shell |
硬邦邦 yìng bāng bāng | very hard |
软硬兼施 ruǎn yìng jiān shī | use both carrot and stick; use gentle methods and force; an iron hand in a velvet glove |
硬干 yìng gàn | by brute strength; rashly and forcefully; bull-headed; to work tenaciously with no fear of hardship |
硬度 yìng dù | hardness |