HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 686th character |
RADICAL | ⾬ (173.5) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2884 |
雷 léi |

雷达 léi dá | radar (loanword) |
格雷 gé léi | Grey; Gray |
地雷 dì léi | landmine; CL:顆|颗[ke1]; (fig.) sore point; weak spot |
雷蒙德 léi méng dé | Raymond (name) |
雷鸟 léi niǎo | capercaillie (Lagopus, several species); thunderbird (in native American mythology) |
雷克斯 léi kè sī | Rex (name) |
鱼雷 yú léi | torpedo |
雷鸣 léi míng | thunder rolls |
雷管 léi guǎn | detonator; fuse |
手雷 shǒu léi | grenade |
布雷 bù léi | to lay mines |
雷电 léi diàn | thunder and lightning |
大发雷霆 dà fā léi tíng | to be furious; to fly into a terrible rage |
雷公 léi gōng | Lei Gong or Duke of Thunder, the God of Thunder in Chinese mythology |
哈姆雷特 hā mǔ léi tè | Hamlet (name); the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark c. 1601 by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚 |
雷区 léi qū | minefield (lit. and fig.) |
暴跳如雷 bào tiào rú léi | stamp with fury; fly into a rage |
贝雷帽 bèi léi mào | beret (loanword) |
打雷 dǎ léi | to rumble with thunder; clap of thunder |
雷德 léi dé | Clark T. Randt Jr. (1945-), US ambassador to Beijing since 2001 |
雷恩 léi ēn | Rennes |
雷声 léi shēng | thunder |
特雷莎 tè léi shā | Teresa; Theresa (name) |
弗雷德里克 fú léi dé lǐ kè | Frederick (name) |
雷击 léi jī | lightning strike; thunderbolt |