HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 625th character |
RADICAL | ⽞ (95.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2395 |
to lead; ratio; rate; limit
率 lǜ |
率 shuài |

效率 xiào lǜ | efficiency |
坦率 tǎn shuài | frank (discussion); blunt; open |
汇率 huì lǜ | exchange rate |
频率 pín lǜ | frequency |
草率 cǎo shuài | careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious |
率领 shuài lǐng | to lead; to command; to head |
几率 jī lǜ | probability; odds |
收视率 shōu shì lǜ | ratings (of a TV show) |
概率 gài lǜ | probability (math.) |
轻率 qīng shuài | cavalier; offhand; reckless |
比率 bǐ lǜ | ratio; rate; percentage |
死亡率 sǐ wáng lǜ | mortality rate |
直率 zhí shuài | candid; frank |
支持率 zhī chí lǜ | support level; popularity rating |
利率 lì lǜ | interest rates |
率先 shuài xiān | to take the lead; to show initiative |
功率 gōng lǜ | rate of work; power (output) |
速率 sù lǜ | speed; rate |
失业率 shī yè lǜ | unemployment rate |
分辨率 fēn biàn lǜ | resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc) |
命中率 mìng zhòng lǜ | hit rate; scoring rate |
圆周率 yuán zhōu lǜ | (math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π) |
表率 biǎo shuài | example; model |
率直 shuài zhí | frank; straightforward; blunt |
率真 shuài zhēn | frank and sincere; candid |