HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1576th character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.8) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3144 |
rot, decay, spoil; rotten
腐 fǔ |

豆腐 dòu fu | tofu; bean curd |
腐烂 fǔ làn | to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt |
腐败 fǔ bài | corruption; to corrupt; to rot; rotten |
腐蚀 fǔ shí | corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically); to rot; corruption |
腐朽 fǔ xiǔ | rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate |
防腐 fáng fǔ | rotproof; antiseptic; anti-corrosion |
腐化 fǔ huà | to rot; to decay; to become corrupt |
防腐剂 fáng fǔ jì | preservative; antiseptic |
腐臭 fǔ chòu | rotten (smell); stinking; putrid |
腐肉 fǔ ròu | rotting flesh; carrion |
陈腐 chén fǔ | trite; clichéd; empty and trite; banality; platitude |
腐蚀性 fǔ shí xìng | (lit. and fig.) corrosive; corrosiveness |
迂腐 yū fǔ | pedantic; trite; inflexible; adherence to old ideas |
豆腐皮 dòu fu pí | tofu skin (made by drying the skin that forms on the surface of soymilk during cooking, and therefore not actually made from tofu) |
腐蚀剂 fǔ shí jì | a corrosive (chemical) |
豆腐乳 dòu fu rǔ | fermented bean curd |
豆腐渣 dòu fu zhā | okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu) |
乳腐 rǔ fǔ | fermented soybean curd |
刀子嘴巴,豆腐心 dāo zi zuǐ ba , dòu fu xīn | lit. knife mouth but heart of bean curd; sharp tongue concealing a caring heart |
刀子嘴,豆腐心 dāo zi zuǐ , dòu fu xīn | to have a sharp tongue but a soft heart (idiom) |
切齿腐心 qiè chǐ fǔ xīn | to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom) |
切齒腐心 qiè chǐ fǔ xīn | to detest sth or sb to the utmost extreme (idiom) |
化腐朽为神奇 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí | lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom) |
化腐朽為神奇 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí | lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom) |
反腐 fǎn fǔ | anti-corruption |