HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 670th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3008 |
spring; source, head; surname
- spring
- source, head
- surname
- root
- source
- origin

资源 zī yuán | Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi; natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism) |
能源 néng yuán | energy; power source; CL:個|个[ge4] |
来源 lái yuán | source (of information etc); origin |
电源 diàn yuán | electric power source |
起源 qǐ yuán | origin; to originate; to come from |
根源 gēn yuán | origin; root (cause) |
源泉 yuán quán | fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin |
源头 yuán tóu | source; fountainhead |
源自 yuán zì | to originate from |
来源于 lái yuán yú | to originate in |
水源 shuǐ yuán | water source; water supply; headwaters of a river |
源于 yuán yú | has its origins in |
发源地 fā yuán dì | place of origin; birthplace; source |
光源 guāng yuán | light source |
渊源 yuān yuán | origin; source; relationship |
热源 rè yuán | heat source |
源源不断 yuán yuán bù duàn | a steady flow (idiom); an unending stream |
世外桃源 shì wài táo yuán | see 桃花源[tao2 hua1 yuan2] |
货源 huò yuán | supply of goods |
财源 cái yuán | financial resources; source of revenue |
自然资源 zì rán zī yuán | natural resource |
病源 bìng yuán | cause of disease |
泉源 quán yuán | springhead; fountainhead; (fig.) source |
溯源 sù yuán | to investigate the origin of sth; to trace a river upstream back to its source |
源代码 yuán dài mǎ | source code (computing) |